Course Materials

Most Independent Learning courses require a textbook. Textbooks may be purchased through the UW Independent Learning Bookstore, powered by eFollett. Students may also look into using other online or traditional retail bookstores. When purchasing textbooks, please be sure to verify the title, edition, author, ISBN, etc., that are listed for each required text in your course syllabus.

Some Independent Learning courses use e-learning platforms inclusive of all course materials. Instructions for purchasing access to e-learning platforms, if required for your course, are located in your online course.

We recommend waiting to purchase course materials until after you have access to your online course.

Buy Textbooks

You may contact eFollett with any questions via phone, chat, or by submitting a request:

5730 Bowden Road
Suite 307
Jacksonville, FL 32216

Phone: 1-800-381-5151
Submit a Request or use the chat feature by clicking the “help” tab at the bottom of the Customer Service Center.

Business Hours: Monday through Friday 7a.m. to 6p.m. CT.

When ordering textbooks from eFollett by phone, identify yourself as a UW Extended Campus student and specify your program of study—Independent Learning—along with the course numbers and titles to identify your courses and texts.

Frequently Asked Questions About Textbooks

New or Used Textbooks

In most cases, you have the option to purchase a new or used textbook. When purchasing a used textbook, please note that some textbooks require students to have a special code to access required supplemental materials. These codes are often not available with used textbooks, but they can be purchased separately. If you purchase a used textbook, refer to your course syllabus and then purchase the code if you need it. You will need to purchase the code through the book’s publisher.

What Is the eFollett Return Policy?

Read about the eFollett return policy.

May I Purchase Texts from Other Vendors?

You are welcome to buy your books anywhere. However, it is your responsibility to obtain the correct book (and appropriate edition) that is listed for your class. Be careful to use the exact ISBNs to ensure you have the correct edition of the text. Allow enough time for delivery to ensure your books arrive by the start of your course. UW Independent Learning is not responsible for textbooks purchased through another vendor. Please review the return and book-buyback policies when purchasing.

Need 1:1 Help?

Success Coaches are skilled professionals who are available to help you identify additional resources based on your individual needs. You can also expect to hear from your coach through periodic check-ins to discuss how things are going and how we can continue to support your success.

Contact your Success Coach at:

1 (608) 800-6750

If you would prefer that we call you, just send an email with your phone number and the best time to reach you.

Business Hours:

Monday – Thursday: 8 am – 6 pm CST
Friday: 8 am – 4:30 pm CST

Meet the Success Coach Team

  • Jessica Ramirez Torres

    Jessica Ramirez Torres
  • Samantha Crawford

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