
In accordance with the Americans and Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and its amendments, individuals with disabilities are protected from discrimination and assured services and accommodations that provide equal access to the activities and programs of the university. To establish that an individual is covered under the ADA, documentation must indicate that the disability substantially limits a major life activity. Major life activities may include concentrating, hearing, thinking, speaking, communicating and learning. Documentation submitted should:

  • Be appropriate to determine eligibility
  • Demonstrate a current substantial impact of one or more major life activities
  • Support the need for any requested accommodation services and/or auxiliary aids

Students interested in requesting academic accommodations must follow the process outlined below to begin the application process. Please be advised that the eligibility determination process and implementation of any approved accommodation services could take several weeks. It is important for students to be proactive and initiate the process early in order to ensure that accommodations are in place for courses.

Please contact our Student Services team at or 1 (608) 800-6750 with any questions.

Accommodations Request Process

  1. Prepare your accommodations paperwork
    • For students with a current accommodation plan through a UW campus: You will need paperwork from your campus which includes both documentation of your disability and approved accommodation plan.
    • For students without a current accommodation plan: You will need diagnosis documentation for either a learning or psychological disability or a physical, sensory or health-related disability signed by a qualified professional. Please use the appropriate form:
  2. Submit your accommodation request and paperwork: Log in to your Student Account and access your Profile section. Click on “Request Accommodations” to complete the Student Accessibility Request form available in your account and upload and securely submit your accommodations paperwork.
  3. Wait for results of request: Accessibility Services will review your material and determine your eligibility. Please note that this process could take up to 14 business days depending on the nature of the request. If more information is needed, a member of our Student Services team will contact you.
  4. Receive results of request: If you are eligible for services, you will receive an email approving your accommodation request. The email will list your approved accommodations and next steps. Please note that it is your responsibility to communicate your approved accommodation plan with your course facilitator(s). If you are not eligible for services, you will receive an email with the reasons for your denial.